Welcome to the Coaching Couch

Welcome to the coaching couch.

This couch is different. Everytime we sit on it, we will experience change. It's all about change tips and trips. It's about making changes that last. Changes that reshape our lives. Changes that would make us live the life we want. I have always wanted to sit on this couch long time ago, yet I had a false presumption about this couch "I thought it was hard". Now, I know the truth cause I decided to sit and try it myself.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

(14) Tips to turn "positive thinking" to a "HABIT"

Decide today to develop the "HABIT" of positive thinking
   I'll Just share with you some tips to start

1- Believe that you can develop that habit (why not?)

2- Believe that you need it (do you?)

3- Believe it's important for you, ask yourself why? and what is the alternative? and the impact of that alternative.

4- focus on what you have instead what you don't have. even when you think about what you don't have, think how to get what you don't have and take action.

5- notice any negative thought (at its beginning) and throw it away, reject it.

6- focus on solutions instead of problems.

7- notice what's great in a situation.

8- get curious instead of judging people.

9- find things to appreciate, every day.

10 - be a good source of positive energy for others, encourage and inspire them.

11- practice that for seven straight days.

12- be committed.

13- keep the faith (your ultimate power)

 14- enjoy this experience

Hey, you got nothing to lose, try it, take those notes, think about them, decide, commit, do your best, and give me your feedback.

 "Change is up to you"
You better make it a HABIT! 
Nayef Moukhtar

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Attention: Your Comfort Zone is NOT a Safe Place !

Do you think you can stay safe in your comfort zone? Till when?

The answer is "No" .. It won't last forever .. Trust me and don't deceive yourself .. please ..

[Don't think that you can avoid "change". "Change" happens and will happen whether you like it or not.]
The game is to MAKE "change" by yourself and not to wait and react when it hits you. The game is to move towards it instead of running or walking away from it. Some people might think that "change" is linked to risk, while reality says that staying still in your place (your comfort zone) without making "change" is the real risk.

Avoid risk by deciding to change. It feels good. You will enjoy it because you will surely feel ALIVE.

It only takes a simple decision and a professional life coach.
You are two steps close to it.
So "just do it"

You have one of two choices and it's up to you:

1) stay in your comfort zone, try to avoid change, talk excuses and enjoy some secondary gain whether consciously or not (we'll talk about secondary gains in a later post, or you can search it:).

Waste of time (years) and all your precious resources
Frequent depression and negative state
Postponing your success
Sacrificing excellence
And then, guess what, change will happen !!!
But in this case, it will be;
- Sudden
- Dramatic/ Drastic
- Obligatory
- Comprises some major sacrifices

2) decide to avoid risk by getting out of your comfort zone, detect early signals for change, before reaching the edge where you don't have choices.

Opposite to the above mentioned results, and you can easily add more.

Change will be:
- Gradual
- Modest
- Chosen
- Might comprise some minor sacrifices (might not)

So, you have the choice, and honestly it's up to you.
I will repeat my message again ...
Avoid risk by deciding to change. It feels good. You will enjoy it because you will surely feel ALIVE.
It only takes a simple decision and a professional life coach.
You are two steps closer
So "just do it"

I can help - if you wish (sorry .. if you decide)

Nayef Moukhtar

Monday, April 23, 2012


Today I would like to share with you my "Life Oath" ;)

Insha'Allah (God willing)

As long as I'm alive ...

I will follow my dream

I will never give up

I will try over and over and over

I will be flexible

I will be committed

I will change my approach as needed

I will enhance my skills

I will stretch my capabilities

I will use all available resources (internal and external)

I will find my way

I will refuse to accept defeat

I will not regret or blame (myself or others)

I will always believe in myself

I will take control of my life

I will face challenges and will take decisions

I will take actions

I will learn

I will work hard

I will enjoy the journey

I will reach my goals

I will succeed

Simply because I trust Allah, and then I trust myself.

Signature: Nayef Moukhtar

I would highly appreciate if you share yours with me :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Coaching Couch - My FIRST Blog Post:

I believe that "Behind every action there are -always- some positive intentions".

I think that could be a good starting point for my first blog post ever. In the following few lines I will share with you some of my intentions that pushed me to create "The Coaching Couch" blog.  

The story goes back to the late 90s/ early 2000s. Don't worry; I won't torture you by narrating those 15 years day by day.

At that time, I heard a voice asking me "what do you want? What do you want to do?” I didn't know where it came from! Was it my inner self voice? Or simply someone asked me that question!. What was interesting here is that as soon as this question appeared, the answer jumped out (like "jack in the box" toy), as if it was there ready to jump and it was just waiting for that question. I replied with confidence "I want to help people". I bet you guessed the following question, which was "but how?".

And that was a tough one that took some time and effort to answer. I don't remember how many times I have asked myself that question, yet what I surely know by now is that our brain is programmed to find out the answers no matter how hard is the question as long as you keep on asking with curiosity and persistence.

Shortly I realized that in order to help people, I need to help myself first. I got on the "self-help train", stopped at different stations until I arrived at the "coaching station". I must admit that it was not an easy ride, yet when I look back I appreciate the whole experience for so many reasons which were not very clear earlier.

We all know that everything happens for a reason, and learning is one global reason that fits in every incident in our lives. One great lesson I want to share with you here, quoting Jack Canfield (co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul) as he brilliantly expressed it, he said "Everything in the past has actually been perfect. Everything in your past has led you to this transformative moment in time. Everyone - including you- has always done the best they could with what they knew at the time. Now you are about to know more. Celebrate your new awareness! It's about time to set you free." That golden lesson became part of my belief system.

Now let's go back to my intentions:

- I want to help people via "the coaching couch" to live their highest self.
- I want to listen to you when you need that.
- I want to learn from you and your different rich experiences.
- I want to support you in dealing with day-to-day challenges.
- I want to share with you some great stories not only to inspire you but also to use them practically as "tested short-cuts" instead of re-inventing the wheel.
- I want to connect with people from all around the world.
- I want to exchange ideas and thoughts with
- I want to reach out more people for a good purpose.
- I want to make good use of what I have right now.
- I want to continuously grow and help others grow as much as I can.
- I want to participate in planting some "seeds of hope", regardless of what is happening around us.
- I want to be myself.

Before leaving, I just want to stress upon one important thing now. I am NOT "the expert". I am NOT a teacher. I am NOT "better" than anyone. I am a "passionate life coach" who wants to fulfill all the above mentioned intentions. I am a "change agent" who truly believes in people and their unlimited capabilities.

Some people might feel it was a long post, others might feel exactly the opposite, the rest will feel it was in the "OK" area. Just remember that I' m introducing myself and my blog for the very first time, through sharing with you my true intentions.

This is my first post, so I don't have high expectations now. But I have some values and set of beliefs that keep pushing me, and I'm glad they are doing so. I don't know ten years from now how I would see this post when I re-visit it. However, I believe in what I do. I believe in myself. And before that I believe and trust my creator.

Thank you for your time and patience. Hey, kindly let me know if you read it.

Enjoy your life.. Please do.

Nayef Moukhtar
Monday, April 2, 2012
Cairo, Egypt.