Welcome to the Coaching Couch

Welcome to the coaching couch.

This couch is different. Everytime we sit on it, we will experience change. It's all about change tips and trips. It's about making changes that last. Changes that reshape our lives. Changes that would make us live the life we want. I have always wanted to sit on this couch long time ago, yet I had a false presumption about this couch "I thought it was hard". Now, I know the truth cause I decided to sit and try it myself.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wake-UP Call 1

The coaching couch blog is about change , how to make change happens in your life in a smooth way. Here I invite you to relax while doing any necessary changes you need or desire. This is our general theme here, yet sometimes we need "wake-up calls" in order not to drift away or into the circle of procrastinations. Hence, I thought of starting a series of wake-up calls about life, time, purpose, dreams, and much more. I'll just write what comes to my mind without editing.

Our first wake-up call will be a general wake-up call then the following ones will be more specific.

Let's start.

Life is short. I know you are familiar with this sentence. Now, I assume that you are saying "what a brilliant coach, he discovered the undiscovered, hahaha, seems like it's another boring stupid blog written by someone pretending to be nice and wise". 
Wait, don't rush my friend and jump to conclusions. I didn't promise you magic or ultimate wisdom. It's a wake-up call. Be patient, read few more lines.

Your life is short.
It's not important whether this sentence sounds familiar or not. What I do care about is your realizations and following actions.

Sometimes we hear a certain sentence several times until we get used to it, until its meaning fades away.

Sometimes when we hear a sentence like that, we think that it's not directed to me, why should I be concerned, may be it's for others, may be to the man sitting next to me but not to me. My life will not be short and I'll be able to do all the things I want to do. I'll be famous, rich, healthy, successful, and I'll achieve my goals. I still have lots of time to do that. Well, wake-up, this is not true. Just look around you. You will easily figure out that many people came to this world and left it without much achievements, or without doing what they wanted and thought they would do in this life.

Sounds disappointing .. sounds negative ?! 
May be you are saying "how come he's saying he's a life coach!!", 
Don't judge me please, cause this is not the issue.
The issue is your life.

I'm just asking you -with all my heart and good intentions- to wake up and make the best use of your life. You won't be happy if you waste your life, cause simply it is just one life here.
No matter who you are, where you are, or what you do .. This ought to be your primary concern or at least a high priority issue that needs attention and some good actions.

At this point, I'd like to introduce you to one of your life enemies. "Procrastination"
If you are not familiar with the term .. Listen to the following sentences .. I'm sure you are more familiar with; "I'll do that later, I'll do that tomorrow", and tomorrow never comes, or comes very late.

Again I know that you know that, and again I'm reminding you I'm not inventing new concepts or passing great insights in this wake-up call. 

Dear .. take it serious .. fight your enemy .. Procrastination.
Procrastination has negative consequences as you know .. Mostly on feelings and emotions .. which in turn affect everything in your life. The procrastination package comes with regrets, frustrations, guilt, disappointments and with not much progress of course. 
Remember, progress is a human need that cannot be ignored.

You need to decide now what do you want. Re-read it again.

Write at least 10 things you are definite about .. 10 things you want to achieve .. And why?
Make a list .. An action plan .. Small steps .. First step .. Another step .. Practice .. Commit .. Adjust .. Action again .. Find people who will give you support .. Hire a coach .. Read .. Learn new strategies .. Try them .. Focus.

Do whatever it takes to get there. 
Just do it.
Don't waste your time .. Don't waste your life.
When you decide upon something .. Don't wait .. Just start .. Then adjust .. 
Focus on today .. Yes have a plan .. But planning is not the solution .. Awareness followed by consistent actions and persistent mind will get who there .. Just start NOW. Please.
Put your worries and fears away. Those are your biggest enemies. They are serial killers. Trust me, I've been there big time, and now they sometimes visit me, and I treat them as they deserve to be treated like. 
Sorry I was too serious this time. I promise I will be more fun next time.

I am inviting you to live your life.
It is your life.

I hope this wake-up call impacts your life in a positive way.
It's your journey. It's your story. Make it profound. Make it rich. 
Practice the power of NOW.

Next time we will discuss some tools to make that happen.
But NOW just focus on your decision. Focus on your reasons. Your journey. Your story that you want to tell some day.

Best of luck 

Remember to visit my facebook page: www.facebook.com/LifeCoachNayef

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