Welcome to the Coaching Couch

Welcome to the coaching couch.

This couch is different. Everytime we sit on it, we will experience change. It's all about change tips and trips. It's about making changes that last. Changes that reshape our lives. Changes that would make us live the life we want. I have always wanted to sit on this couch long time ago, yet I had a false presumption about this couch "I thought it was hard". Now, I know the truth cause I decided to sit and try it myself.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Your Life Gears

Dear human being,

I would like to introduce you to your most important “life gears”. What do I mean by “life gears”? I imagine those life gears as important components inside you. You cannot see them, yet they are there inside you, working hard all the time to shape your life.  Every human being has a belief system or set of beliefs (gear one) that control his/her life. The movement of that gear directs your thoughts (gear two) and emotions (gear three) in a certain way. Take a moment to look at your life now to better understand that concept. Let’s take a quick and simple example to demonstrate the attached diagram.

Do you believe that stress leads to achievements? Cause lots of people think that they need to be pressured and pushed to get things done. Some people think that they cannot work without deadlines. If you have such a belief embedded in your belief system, I’d be tempted to ask you couple of questions. How would that belief affect your thoughts, in times of stress and in stress-free times? Do you know how to enjoy your holidays or short breaks? Do you really enjoy relaxing or you feel that it’s a waste of time with not much achievement? Be honest to yourself. Go deep inside. Capture your real hidden thoughts. Before going further, I invite you to write down your thoughts and answers to the above stated questions.

What have you noticed? Now let me ask you; how would your thoughts affect your emotions? Try to feel each of your written answers. Take your time. Do you feel down or up, negative or positive? I will not assume anything. I want you to explore your thoughts and feelings.

The most powerful tool for self-exploration and awareness is asking questions, so bear with me.
How do you see “stress”? Is it good or bad? Useful or harmful? Negative or positive? If you believe that stress is good, then enjoy it. If you believe that it’s bad, then proceed reading the following lines. We all agree that achievements are considered a good thing. Progress is human need. Who doesn’t want to achieve and progress? Then the following logical question would be; is it right to link a positive outcome “achievement” with a negative mean “stress”? Does it seem logical? Does it sound reasonable? Does it feel right?

If you realize that linking stress to achievement is irrational, then you need to do something about that. You need to substitute that irrational link with a rational one. Before asking how, ask why? Why do you need or must change that belief?
Is it important or not? Those are some critical questions you need to address.

Well, that’s a good start. What’s next? I recommend that you re-read this article. Take your time. Look closely at your answers. Zoom-in. You could also look for a better example that you would better relate to. Writing is a better way for deeper realizations than just thinking in the open wide space.
And remember your life gears shaping your life.

After realization come decisions and actions. May be it’s the right time for you to re-shape your life. Good luck.

Life Coach – Nayef Moukhtar

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